We are Koyasan Beikoku Betsuin of Los Angeles. Thank you for visiting! Browse our content through the menus above or through items highlighted below. Learn more about Koyasan, its rich history and tradition, and much, much more.
Shichi-Go-San Service at 2:00 pm on November 17, 2024
Shichi-Go-San is a rite of passage for girls of three (san) and seven (chichi) years and boys of three (san) and five (go) years. The tradition is said to have originated in the Heian Period amongst the nobles and over time passed to the samurai class. By the Edo Period (1603-1868), the rite was adopted by the commoners and included the ritual of visiting a shrine or temple to pray for the children's wellbeing, health, and growth.
At the service, prayers are offered and the fire ritual is conducted. Children are blessed, receive amulet/talisman, and presented stick candy. This is also a "day for pictures." Children come dressed in kimonos or Sunday attire*. Click the picture to the right for the application. |
2024 Membership Application
You can download the application by clicking the picture or clicking here.
Your membership provides funding to the temple that keeps the lights on and allows us to continue to provide our members and the community services. There are special discounted pricing on certain services and classes as well as other benefits. Additional information about membership is listed below in English and Japanese. |
2024 Kado Koyasan Class - Registration is Closed
Registration for the class is now closed as all spaces have been filled. Thank you so much to everyone that has applied.
Click the Image below to download the information and application for the Kado Koyasan Class to be held April 6, 2024 at the JACCC.
Click the Image below to download the information and application for the Kado Koyasan Class to be held April 6, 2024 at the JACCC.
2024 Omamori Order Form and New Items
The 2024 Omamori Order Form is now available by clicking the picture or clicking here.
New Items are the Year of the Dragon Ema, Clear Crystal Bead featuring the image of Kobo Daishi - the founder of the Shingon School of Buddhism, and our new Yakuyoke/Warding Off Misfortune omamori in Red and Purple. We have a limited number of the old orange version of this.
New Items are the Year of the Dragon Ema, Clear Crystal Bead featuring the image of Kobo Daishi - the founder of the Shingon School of Buddhism, and our new Yakuyoke/Warding Off Misfortune omamori in Red and Purple. We have a limited number of the old orange version of this.
New Years 2024 Schedule
December 2023 Jiho Newsletter
110th Anniversary of the Koyasan Shingon Mission of North America
October 15, 2023
2024 Calendar
Koyasan New Year's Schedule 2023
Please see the attached New Year's Schedule and Oseibo Letter by clicking here.
December 18, 2022 - 1:30 PM - Osame Daishi & Goma Service December 31, 2022 - 4:00 PM - Year End Service January 1 - 3, 2023 - 9:30 AM-4:30 PM - Hatsumode January 1, 2023 - 10:00 AM - New Year's Day Shusho-E Goma Service January 2, 2023 - 10:00 AM - New Year's Goma Services January 3, 2023 - 10:00 AM - New Year's Taiko Gohei Blessing Services |
Hoshi Matsuri - 厄ばらい星まつり
It is said that each year of a person's life is influenced by the "star (birth star)" of the year in which he or she is born, and each year's fortune changes. This is called "Hoshi-Meguri", which means the rotation of the stars to determine a person's fortune each year. It is said that the synergistic relationship between the star of the year and the nine stars that we were born with can lead to a good year ( ○ ) or a bad year ( ● ).
Hoshi Matsuri is a ceremony held before the start of spring every year to pray for one's own star to be protected from bad luck and misfortune in a bad year, and to pray for more luck in a good year. "Yakubarai Hoshi Matsuri" is an event to pray for good luck to purify the evil of the year. It is said that "Yaku" is the turning point of life where bad luck and hindrance is likely to happen to you, and there is a custom to pray for warding off the bad luck. The year of bad luck is a time of transition in a person's life, whether mental, physical, or social, and it is said that there are many changes and calamities that may occur during this period of time. It is a time of great misfortune for men at ages 25, 42, and 61, and for women at ages 19, 33, 37, and 61, and the years before and after these are also known as "Mae-Yaku" and "Ato-Yaku". If you wish to have prayers offered for you and your family to ward off bad luck and misfortune, please return or send in the application by Wednesday, January 25, 2023. You can download the application and additional information here. |
2023 Soe Goma Form
Shingon Buddhism's "Goma Ritual" was introduced by Master Kobo Daishi in Japan and is the most powerful and effective prayer practice in Esoteric Buddhism. This religious ceremony originated in India over 5,000 years ago and is unparalleled in its ability to liberate people from suffering, remove the darkness of ignorance, and bring the light of enlightenment to all beings.
At Koyasan Beikoku Betsuin, we conduct the Goma Ritual 15 times a year (Monthly + New Year's Day, Hoshimatsuri, and Shichi-Go-San). During the Goma Ritual, the priests will pray for and burn the goma-gi on which your selected prayer is written. This year the Betsuin will also offer the option of applying for a special wooden Goma ofuda custom created by the Bishop that will be blessed at each Goma Service. The wooden ofuda will then be presented to the applicant at the end of the year to enshrine in their home for the next year and bring the divine protection and blessings of Fudo Myoo into their home. If you wish to have the ministers offer a goma-gi and a prayer for you throughout the year, please return or send in the application by January 15, 2023. 真言密教の「護摩修行」は、お大師様が中国から伝えられた密教の中でも最強最高の秘法です。この儀式は、5千年前からインドにおいて行われていた宗教儀礼が起源で、その功徳は、祈るものたちを苦悩からの解放へと導き、無知の闇を取り除き、悟りの光をもたらすものとされ、大切に伝えられて来ました。 別院では、年間15座(毎月+正月・節分・七五三)の計15回にわたり皆様のご祈願事が書かれた添え護摩木を焚焼し、開運招福・商売繁盛・家内安全・交通安全などのご祈願をさせていただきます。 そして新たに木製護摩札を用意しました。こちらは封筒には入れず、特製の木札に皆様のお願い事を書き、護摩の炎の上をかざして祈願しします。全ての護摩祈願でご祈願した後、一年後に皆様にお渡しします。祈願された特製護摩木札は、ご自宅へお持ち帰りいただき、今度は皆様が一年間ご自宅でお祀りいただくものです。 申込書はこちらです。 |
New Issue (246) of the JIHO Newsletter
General Information
Koyasan Boy Scout Troop 379 Eagle Scout Recyclables Fundraising
Bring in your aluminum cans and plastic bottles to Koyasan for recycling! The Boy Scouts will take contributed recyclables to a recycling center to help fund their camping needs, fun activities and service projects. The Scouts of Troop 379 appreciate your support. To coordinate a drop off, please contact Regina Sakurai at (213) 624-1267 or by email at [email protected].
Koyasan Milestone
We're moving forward on our second 100 years of serving the community of Los Angeles. We've posted a pictorial chronology of Koyasan Beikoku Betsuin of Los Angeles as documented in our 100th Anniversary commemorative publication. Feel free to view the publication in our History Center.
Also, in our History Center, please feel free to take a few minutes to watch the companion video entitled Koyasan 100. An in-depth video montage of Koyasan's first 100 years.
Newsletter |
Koyasan 2023 Calendar & Schedules |
Click here or on the image (left) to view Koyasan's current newsletter entitled "Jiho".
* The Jiho Newsletter is issued on a periodic basis (not related to a specific month, quarter, etc.) |